Tuesday, August 20, 2013

#19 - why sing in the rain?

Imagine the scene. You've been followed by a girl who has an evil spirit in her for multiple days. Finally, you have had enough, you turn and say to the spirit, "I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her!" It comes out right away! You are probably expecting an applause or at least a “Thank you” from some bystanders… Nope. A mob forms and you are stripped, beaten with rods, thrown in jail and shackled in stocks.

How would you be feeling?  
Would you respond like this:
Acts 16:25
"About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them."
Singing would be the last thing on my mind, but these two men knew something about their Creator that we need to learn. Our view of God is not determined on our circumstances. How easy is it to praise God when the prayers are answered? When the child is healed? When the scans for cancer are clean?
What should we do, however, amidst the trials? When the child dies.  When cancer comes back. Should we force ourselves to sing happy songs? Please do not! There is a time for sorrow and mourning, and in that emotional canyon God is still all-powerful and He desperately wants us to cry out to Him. There are songs and hymns for every emotional occasion because in all circumstances we have the opportunity to trust that Jesus is enough.
I don't know what kind of songs Paul and Silas were singing. But other people in bad situations were listening.  The tone of the hymns may have been melancholy, but they were commited in sadness to saying that God is better and beyond our circumstances.
Tell Him your hurts.
He can handle it.

We need to learn to worship Him even when our heart feels encased in iron.
Don't let what is wrong with you keep you from worshipping what is right about God!
When my heart is heavy with grief and when a smile can't leave my face.
I will worship You.
When times are hard and when friends are plenty.
I will worship You.
When I am overwhelmed and when my feet nearly float above the floor.
I will worship You.
When I forget that You are good and when You remain gracious to me.
I will worship You.

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