Sunday, August 11, 2013

#28 - why could we all benefit from better posture?

Hebrews 13:17

Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they keep watch over your souls as those who will give an account, so that they can do this with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you.

Leadership is given by God.  And leadership is hard work.  It takes courage and sacrifice and determination and thick skin.  Yet this passage isn’t about providing leadership, it’s about following leadership.

Listen to what God is saying here.  Obey your leaders and submit to them.  Yep.  The Bible says that.  In a culture that is fiercely independent and proud of it, God calls us to obey and submit.  Obey and submit.  Many think they are both 4-letter words.  But not in God’s economy.  Obedience and submission to authority is ultimately how we show God we trust Him.  The level of obedience in our life and the submissive posture of our hearts towards leadership reveals either our maturity or immaturity. 

Jesus, the perfect Leader – God Himself – modeled perfect submission to God as He submitted to wicked and evil authorites to the point of death on a cross.  How small a challenge Jesus has given us to follow those who love us.  And look at the tremendous blessing that is ours as we obey and submit to church leaders – “FOR they keep watch over your souls as those who will give an account.”  It’s true.  God has put shepherd elders in the life of the church to guide and protect and pray for and lead you and they will answer to God for their leadership.   What a blessing it is to know that godly leaders bring your name and needs and cares and concerns into the presence of God regularly!  What a blessing to know that God has put godly leaders into your life to encourage, confront, and cheer you on in your pursuit of Jesus.

God, in my heart I confess I am a rebel.  I don’t naturally want to listen to anyone.  Apart from Your grace in my life, I would still try and be my own god, to my shame, sadness, and judgment.  Yet, You modeled perfect submission and were blessed by the Father for Your unwavering obedience.  And now You desire to love me by leading me through others.  Lord, today I want to show my trust and love for You by my obedience and submission to the shepherd elders of Candeo.  Help me to make their leadership a joy.  Give them courage to lead Your church in Your strength, to be men full of the Holy Spirit, to Your glory and for my protection and joy. Amen.