Monday, September 2, 2013

#6 - why must we hold fast to first love?

Revelation 2:4
But I have this against you: You have abandoned the love you had at first.
This charge was directed at the church at Ephesus. It is hard to imagine a church that had more going for it on the front end than the one in Ephesus. They were gathered together and taught by a man who had met Jesus face to face. Their church planter literally wrote the book on "how to build a church." Yet years later, Jesus told John to warn the Ephesians to repent of having lost their first love. If it can happen in Ephesus, it can happen at Candeo.
Churches are built on love: the love of Jesus and the love of our neighbors.Sound familiar? When people hear the Good News of Jesus and respond with repentance and belief, churches are born. These people then begin telling their neighbors, their co-workers, and their family members about Jesus and God adds to their numbers. This is how a church grows.
Candeo must not grow out of these things. We cannot use these principles to build a church and then abandon them for programs to manage a church. Churches are sustained by the same means by which they are built. But when disciples stop discipling, the church becomes just another club and when we try to protect the product of our hard work as though the church was ours, we begin to lose our first love. It's not our church. Candeo belongs to God.
The church at Ephesus was commanded to repent and go back to doing what they did at first. Everything Candeo is doing right now is our "at first" - at least for now. Observe what is happening here and now. Continue and persevere in it. Resist the urge to graduate past it. 
Love God.  Love people.  Make disciples.