Saturday, August 31, 2013

#8 - why did I join?

James 4:7-8
7 Therefore, submit to God. But resist the Devil, and he will flee from you. 8 Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, sinners, and purify your hearts, double-minded people!
I’ve joined Candeo Church because it is led by a group of people dedicated to these words of James. Candeo encourages a practical and active faith. One that understands that we cannot live passive, distracted lives. 
As James teaches, the process of drawing near to God involves a transformation of our behavior (the cleansing of our hands), a realignment of our desires (the purifying of our hearts), and the fixing of our thoughts on the things of God (the recognition of our being double-minded). 
Candeo Church understands that growing closer to God does not occur by happenstance, it is the intentional and constant submission of our body, heart, and mind to our Creator.

God I want to be closer to you.
Help me to submit my body to you.
Transform my bad behavior such as (___________)
Help me to submit my heart to you.
Change my desires so that I no longer yearn for (___________)
Help me to submit my mind to you.
Clear my thinking of such inappropriate thoughts as (___________)
Draw near to me, oh God.