Friday, August 23, 2013

#16 - why not just settle for fat and sassy?

Amos 4:1

Listen to this message, you cows of Bashan
who are on the hill of Samaria,
women who oppress the poor
and crush the needy,
who say to their husbands,
“Bring us something to drink."

Wait, what?  Did God just send a message down from heaven that included calling his people “cows?”  Oh yeah.  He did. 

Have you ever noticed that there are tons of ways to insult people by simply referring to them as some kind of animal?  Dog. Chicken. Pig. Snake. Ape.  I don’t think being called a “cow” in Amos’ day probably felt any better than it does in ours.  And yes, I think God knew that and said it anyway.  Step back.

What Amos is saying here is that, according to God, His people had become so near-sighted, and their priorities had gotten so screwy, that they had become concerned only with themselves.  “Forget the poor and needy, and even forget the needs and purpose of my own family; I want some fun, and I want it now,” is essentially the mantra of the people he’s talking to and about.  They wanted self-fulfillment and personal entertainment at any cost.  And that disgusted God.

Our lives are not our own.  We have been purchased at a high price – the blood of Jesus Himself rescued us from the enslavement of self-worship.  God did not save us so that we could be Real Housewives.  He saved us so that we could be His active hands and feet in a lost, broken and hurting world.

Look around: there are tons of people whose paths cross yours everyday.  How could you be serving them?  How could you be reaching out?  How can you step outside of yourself today to be a walking, breathing example of the sacrificial love of Christ? 

Father, we pray You would stir Your Holy Spirit in us to desire to love others more than we love ourselves.  We thank You that Your Son Jesus came to actively love us and sacrifice for us, even when it was difficult, and we pray for strength to follow Him in obedience and likeness.  Please allow Candeo to become a church marked by a level of service, submission and sacrifice that can only be found in modeling Your character.  Amen.