Monday, August 26, 2013

#13 - why are we planting with plurality?

Mark 6:7

He summoned the Twelve and began to send them out in pairs and gave them authority over unclean spirits.

It is interesting that Jesus sent out the disciples in pairs here in Mark 6. Some of the benefits of plurality of leadership are obvious, like accountability and encouragement. But I wonder if it was just simply because He knew personally that being on mission for God is just not for loners. Jesus himself was never alone: 

John 16:32 

Look: An hour is coming, and has come, when each of you will be scattered to his own home, and you will leave Me alone. Yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me.
Maybe Jesus knew that just as He was not alone, so the disciples should not be alone. Throughout the book of Acts we see a plurality of leadership established at the beginning of each new church plant as Paul was quick to establish a council of elders everywhere he went. It makes sense that this would be such a priority for Paul as he saw what a blessing plurality of leadership could be in the example of the Trinity.
God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit: all fully God, yet all filling a different role within God's plan for salvation with the Father being first among equals. This seems to be the model of eldership we see throughout the book of Acts, utilizing the various gifts God has given church leaders to serve His purposes, and is therefore something we try to implement throughout Cornerstone's church plants.
God, thank You for modeling leadership through the Trinity in a way that empowers us to move with unity of Spirit through your Son. Holy Spirit, please move ahead of Candeo into the hearts of the Cedar FalYs and Waterloo community preparing hearts for the Gospel and drawing the lost to You. Jesus thank You for making this possible by laying Your life down on the cross and being with Candeo as they go out to make disciples. God the Father, please determine the footsteps of the plurality of leadership within Candeo to fall in step with Your plan and Your purposes for your Kingdom. Amen.

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